Creating an application

Having the server installed locally or remotely, you'll need to create one application into that endpoint. Every collection or configuration on hook is tied to a single application.

To create one, you'll need to run the following command from the commandline. Remember to copy the output of the command, which you'll need in near future.

hook app:new my-hook-powered-application

The default endpoint is, for local development. You'll need to speficy endpoint option if you have installed it remotely.

hook app:new my-hook-powered-application --endpoint
create hook-ext/security.yaml
create hook-ext/packages.yaml
create hook-ext/schedule.yaml
create hook-ext/schema.yaml
create hook-ext/config/config.yaml
create hook-ext/config/config.development.yaml
create hook-ext/credentials/development/cli.json
create hook-ext/credentials/development/browser.json
create hook-ext/credentials/development/device.json
create hook-ext/credentials/development/server.json
Application created successfully.

The app:new command will scaffold the available configuration files. As you can see development is the default environment, when not specified.

Application environment

In a real scenario you will need to handle different environments, such as staging and production. In hook you'll need to create an application for each one of them.

The CLI offers a handy --environment (--env) option for that.

Example, creating an staging application:

hook app:new my-application --environment staging
create hook-ext/config/config.staging.yaml
create hook-ext/credentials/staging/cli.json
create hook-ext/credentials/staging/browser.json
create hook-ext/credentials/staging/device.json
create hook-ext/credentials/staging/server.json
Application created successfully.

Having your different environment credentials, ou may specify the --environment for commands such as db:seed and deploy.

Application keys

The application keys are located under hook-ext/credentials/{environment}/*.json, and should be used with one of the client implementations.

There is 4 different types of credential keys. Each of them should be used to perform specific tasks. Most of the time you'll need to worry just about the cli and the platform you're interested in.

Application key: cli

That's your private key that have full access to the application. It is important to never expose it, so keep it secret.

Only the cli application key has the ability to deploy the application, also any security check is skipped when you're using hook console command.

Application key: browser

The browser application key is targeted for web browsers, which needs Cross-origin_resource_sharing headers exposed to the client. You'll mostly use it with the hook-javascript client.

By default the server will allow any host origin to get responses using a browser application key. As your application go to production, it is interesting to limit it's access to your server's origin using allowed_origins security configuration.

Application key: device

Targeted for mobile devices. Only device application keys has the ability to register for push notifications.

Application key: server

Targeted for server-to-server communication.