
Run the following command in your terminal to install the latest version of hook and hook-cli:

curl -sSL | bash

Local development server

To run a local development server, cd into hook directory, then run the server command:

$ cd ~/Projects/hook
$ hook server
PHP 5.4.33 Development Server started at Sat Apr 11 18:51:47 2015
Listening on
Document root is /Users/endel/Projects/hook/public
Press Ctrl-C to quit.

The default endpoint for local development server is

Creating a new application

The first step to develop application with hook, is to create a new application in the server.

Deploying your application

The deploy command will upload all your application modifications inside hook-ext directory, such as modules (observers, routes, templates and channels), configurations (config.yaml, security.yaml, schema.yaml), packages (packages.yaml) and schedule (schedule.yaml).

hook deploy
Successfully deployed.

Every change you make inside hook-ext directory needs to be deployed to affect the backend.

Seeding collections

Collection seeding is a way to define some initial contents for your application's collections, such as categories, tags, etc. In this example we'll generate some dummy content for a collection called events.

To generate the seed file for the collection you need, run the following command:

hook generate:seed events
Seed created at 'hook-ext/seeds/events.yaml'.

You can now edit the hook-ext/seeds/events.yaml file that was generated to add your entries.

# Seed for events
truncate: true
  - name: My first event
    picture: !upload path/to/picture.jpg
  - name: My second event
    picture: !upload path/to/picture-2.jpg

Things to note here:

  • You may upload files by using !upload instruction.
  • By using truncate: true instruction, the collection will be entirely cleared before being seeded again.

After you're done, let's seed the events collection with the following command:

hook db:seed events

If you have more than one seed file, you may seed all of them once by running:

hook db:seed

Be careful to not truncate collections with user generated content.

Interactive console

The interactive console is a tool to use the javascript interface with the CLI application key interactively from your terminal.

It is designed for testing and debugging your application code and evaluating state.

$ hook console

The console can be closed by pressing Ctrl+C twice.

The console has the JavaScript client instantiated by default as hook. Unlike the browser environment, every time the client tries to return a Promise, it will immediatelly be evaluated and its output will formatted and displayed.


client: javascript> hook.collection('events').count()

The console JavaScript client also has extended permissions on hook's restricted collections:

client: javascript>  hook.collection('auths').select('email').get()


generate:channel - Generate custom channel class.

hook generate:channel <channel-name>

generate:observer - Generate observer class for collection events.

hook generate:observer <collection-name>

See more about observers here.

generate:route - Generate a custom route for the application.

hook generate:route <path> [method=GET]

See more about custom routes here.

generate:schema - Generate schema definition config.

hook generate:schema

See more about schema definition here.

generate:seed - Generate seed template.

hook generate:seed <collection-name>

See more about seeding collections here.

generate:template - Generate an HTML template.

hook generate:template <template-name>

See more about templates here.

Retrieving application data

keys: List all application keys.

hook keys

logs: Get app back-end logs.

hook logs

You may specify the number of lines you want to return from logs with -n 1000 (1000 lines)

modules: List all application modules

hook modules

schedule: List tasks scheduled for app.

hook schedule